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목록CG & Video Games/Unity 3D (33)
Scientific Computing & Data Science
A designated command executed when an object is clickedThis example shows to let change an object's color when it is clickedusing UnityEngine;using System.Collections; public class ObjectClicked : MonoBehaviour {public GUIText myText; // Use this for initializationvoid Start () {} // Update is called once per framevoid Update () {} void OnMouseDown(){Activate();} void OnMouseEnter(){} void OnMou..
Assign a proper GameObject to the script belowClick the GameObject with the scriptConnect GUITexture in Property fo script("Touched") using UnityEngine;using System.Collections; public class Touched : MonoBehaviour {public GUITexture guiTex;private Touch touch; // Use this for initializationvoid Start () {} // Update is called once per framevoid FixedUpdate () {touch = Input.GetTouch(0);if(guiTe..
using System;using System.Net; namespace ConsoleApplication4{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { IPHostEntry IPHost = Dns.GetHostByName(Dns.GetHostName()); Console.WriteLine(IPHost.AddressList[0].ToString()); } } }
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections; public class TouchObjectNetwork : MonoBehaviour {public GUITexture guiTexture;private bool touched;private Touch touch; private bool serverSignal;private bool clientSignal; // Use this for initializationvoid Start () {serverSignal = false;clientSignal = false;} // Update is called once per framevoid FixedUpdate () {if(Network.isClient){touch = Input.Ge..
public var playerPrefab : Transform; function OnServerInitialized(){Spawnplayer();} function OnConnectedToServer(){Spawnplayer();} function Spawnplayer(){var myNewTrans : Transform = Network.Instantiate(playerPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation, 0) as Transform;} function OnPlayerDisconnected(player: NetworkPlayer) {Debug.Log("Clean up after player " + player);Network.RemoveRPCs(playe..
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections; public class DragObject : MonoBehaviour {private Ray myRay = new Ray();RaycastHit myHit = new RaycastHit(); [SerializeField] private float _horizontalLimit = 2.5f; private float _verticalLimit = 2.5f; private float dragSpeed = 0.005f; private Transform cachedTransform; private Vector3 startingPos; // Use this for initializationvoid Start () { } // Upda..
using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using System; public class ImageCycle : MonoBehaviour { public Texture2D LogoTexture = null;public Rect LogoTextureDimensions; // Use this for initializationvoid Start () {StartCoroutine(ShowImages());} // Update is called once per framevoid Update () { } void OnGUI(){if(LogoTexture)GUI...
Shader "Example/VertexLit" { Properties { _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0.5) _SpecColor ("Spec Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _Emission ("Emmisive Color", Color) = (0,0,0,0) _Shininess ("Shininess", Range (0.01, 1)) = 0.7 _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white" { } } SubShader { Pass { Material { Diffuse [_Color] Ambient [_Color] Shininess [_Shininess] Specular [_SpecColor] Emission [_Emission..
Shader "Tutorial/Display Normals" {SubShader { Pass { CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#include "UnityCG.cginc" struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float3 color : COLOR0;}; v2f vert (appdata_base v){ v2f o; o.pos = mul (UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex); o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5; return o;} half4 frag (v2f i) : COLOR{ return half4 (i.color, 1);}ENDCG }}Fallback "VertexLit" }
Scene에 두 개의 카메라 설정 각 Camera 당 각각 AudioListener가 있으니 둘 중 하나는 삭제 씬에 GameObject를 하나 설정 이 오브젝트의 이름을 "Camera Controller"라 명명 두 개의 씬 Camera를 Camera Controller의 자식 오브젝트로 설정 왼쪽의 "CameraConnection" 스크립트를 Camera Controller에 부착 Camera Controller를 클릭하여 선택하고 Component viewer에서 각 카메라를 드래그하여 넣는다. using UnityEngine;using System.Collections; public class CameraConnection : MonoBehaviour {public GameObject gameCa..