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Scientific Computing & Data Science
[WebGL] PhysiJS Freefall 본문
이번 예제는 PhysiJS라는 Three.js 기반 물리엔진 프레임웍을 이용하여 오브젝트의 낙하 시뮬레이션에 관한 것입니다.
PhysiJS 웹사이트를 방문해 보면 PhysiJS에 대하여 다음과 같이 소개하고 있습니다: "Physics Plugin for Three.js"
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Physijs.scripts.ammo = 'js/ammo.js'; init(); animate(); // FUNCTIONS function init() { // SCENE scene = new Physijs.Scene; scene.setGravity(new THREE.Vector3( 0, -100, 0 )); scene.addEventListener( 'update', function() { scene.simulate( undefined, 1 ); physics_stats.update(); } ); // CAMERA var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth, SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight; var VIEW_ANGLE = 45, ASPECT = SCREEN_WIDTH / SCREEN_HEIGHT, NEAR = 0.1, FAR = 20000; camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( VIEW_ANGLE, ASPECT, NEAR, FAR); camera.position.set( 60, 50, 60 ); camera.lookAt( scene.position ); scene.add(camera); // RENDERER if ( Detector.webgl ) renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( {antialias:true} ); else renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer(); renderer.setSize(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT); renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true; renderer.shadowMapSoft = true; container = document.getElementById( 'ThreeJS' ); container.appendChild( renderer.domElement ); // EVENTS THREEx.WindowResize(renderer, camera); THREEx.FullScreen.bindKey({ charCode : 'f'.charCodeAt(0) }); // CONTROLS controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement ); // STATS - RENDERER render_stats = new Stats(); render_stats.domElement.style.position = 'absolute'; render_stats.domElement.style.top = '1px'; render_stats.domElement.style.zIndex = 100; container.appendChild( render_stats.domElement ); // STATS - PHYSICS physics_stats = new Stats(); physics_stats.domElement.style.position = 'absolute'; physics_stats.domElement.style.top = '50px'; physics_stats.domElement.style.zIndex = 100; container.appendChild( physics_stats.domElement ); // LIGHT light = new THREE.DirectionalLight( 0xFFFFFF ); light.position.set( 20, 40, -15 ); light.target.position.copy( scene.position ); light.castShadow = true; light.shadowCameraLeft = -120; light.shadowCameraTop = -120; light.shadowCameraRight = 120; light.shadowCameraBottom = 120; light.shadowCameraNear = 20; light.shadowCameraFar = 2000; light.shadowBias = -.0001 light.shadowMapWidth = light.shadowMapHeight = 2048; light.shadowDarkness = .7; scene.add( light ); // SKYBOX/FOG var skyBoxGeometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry( 10000, 10000, 10000 ); var skyBoxMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000, side: THREE.BackSide } ); var skyBox = new THREE.Mesh( skyBoxGeometry, skyBoxMaterial ); scene.add(skyBox); //////////// // CUSTOM // //////////// // GROUND groundMaterial = Physijs.createMaterial( new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'img/Wood_floor.jpg' ) }), .95, // high friction .95 // low restitution ); groundMaterial.map.wrapS = groundMaterial.map.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; groundMaterial.map.repeat.set( 1, 1 ); ground = new Physijs.BoxMesh( new THREE.CubeGeometry(100, 1, 100), groundMaterial, 0 // mass ); ground.receiveShadow = true; scene.add( ground ); // create boxes and place them in random position boxMaterial = Physijs.createMaterial( new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'img/plywood.jpg' ) }), .4, // low friction .6 // high restitution ); boxMaterial.map.wrapS = boxMaterial.map.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; boxMaterial.map.repeat.set( .25, .25 ); for ( var i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) { box = new Physijs.BoxMesh( new THREE.CubeGeometry( 4, 4, 4 ), boxMaterial ); box.position.set( Math.random() * 50 - 25, 100 + Math.random() * 50, Math.random() * 50 - 25 ); box.rotation.set( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ); box.scale.set( Math.random() * 1 + .5, Math.random() * 1 + .5, Math.random() * 1 + .5 ); box.castShadow = true; scene.add( box ); } // create balls and place them in random position ballMaterial = Physijs.createMaterial( new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( 'img/stone.jpg' ) }), .95, // low friction .95 // high restitution ); ballMaterial.map.wrapS = ballMaterial.map.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; ballMaterial.map.repeat.set( .25, .25 ); for ( var i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) { ball = new Physijs.SphereMesh( new THREE.SphereGeometry( 4, 30, 30 ), ballMaterial ); ball.position.set( Math.random() * 50 - 25, 100 + Math.random() * 50, Math.random() * 50 - 25 ); ball.rotation.set( Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2, Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 ); ball.castShadow = true; scene.add( ball ); } } function animate() { // SIMULATION scene.simulate(); requestAnimationFrame( animate ); render(); update(); } function update() { if ( keyboard.pressed("z") ) { // do something } render_stats.update(); physics_stats.update(); controls.update(); } function render() { renderer.render( scene, camera ); } | cs |
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