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Scientific Computing & Data Science
[Acoustics / Theory] Plane Sound Waves 본문
[Definition of plane waves]
Waves in which any acoustic variable at a given time is a constant on any plane perpendicular to the direction of propagation
[One-dimensional wave equation]
General solution:
[Harmonic plane progressive waves]
Harmonic plane wave propagating in x-direction:
: angular frequency
: angular wavenumber
Wavelength λ:
[Complex exponential representation of sound pressure]
Sound pressure in complex form:
: complex amplitude
Physical sound pressure is the real part of the complex pressure:
[Euler equation of motion in complex form]
is a linear operator:
Euler equation of motion,
[Wave equation in complex form: Helmholtz equation]
[Complex notation of the solution]
From the equation (in the x-direction),
we get
This means that the particle velocity in a plane wave is proportional to the sound pressure with the ratio 1/ρc, which is the characteristic impedance of the medium.
[General solution to the 1-D Helmholtz equation]
Sum of
a wave that travels in the positive x-direction (incident wave) and
a wave that travels in the negative(opposite) x-direction (reflected wave)
Corresponding expression for the particle velocity:
[Relationship between the incident and the reflected wave]
From the boundary condition of zero particle velocity on a rigid surface,
[Complex reflection factor]
Complex reflection factor R: Ratio of pr to pi,
R = 1: Perfect reflection with no phase shift
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