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Scientific Computing & Data Science
[OpenCV] cuda:: DeviceInfo() 함수를 이용한 CUDA Device 정보 출력하기 본문
[OpenCV] cuda:: DeviceInfo() 함수를 이용한 CUDA Device 정보 출력하기
cinema4dr12 2015. 8. 30. 23:46OpenCV의 cuda::DeviceInfo() 함수를 이용하여 각자의 CUDA Device의 정보를 출력하는 소스는 다음과 같습니다:
Example Code
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"true" : "false"; // device is integrated as opposed to discrete const bool bIDeviceIntegrated = deviceInfo.integrated(); char* tmp2 = bIDeviceIntegrated? "true" : "false"; // device can map host memory with cudaHostAlloc/cudaHostGetDevicePointer const bool bCanMapHostMemory = deviceInfo.canMapHostMemory(); char* tmp3 = bCanMapHostMemory? "true" : "false"; // maximum 1D texture size const int nMaxTex1D = deviceInfo.maxTexture1D(); // maximum 1D mipmapped texture size const int nMaxTexture1DMipmap = deviceInfo.maxTexture1DMipmap(); // maximum size for 1D textures bound to linear memory const int nMaxTexture1DLinear = deviceInfo.maxTexture1DLinear(); // maximum 2D texture dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxTex2D = deviceInfo.maxTexture2D(); // maximum 2D mipmapped texture dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxTex2DMipmap = deviceInfo.maxTexture2DMipmap(); // maximum dimensions (width, height, pitch) for 2D textures bound to pitched memory const Vec3i deviceMaxTex2DLinear = deviceInfo.maxTexture2DLinear(); // maximum 2D texture dimensions if texture gather operations have to be performed const Vec2i deviceMaxTex2DGather = deviceInfo.maxTexture2DGather(); // maximum 3D texture dimensions const Vec3i deviceMaxTex3D = deviceInfo.maxTexture3D(); // maximum Cubemap texture dimensions const int deviceMaximumTexCubemap = deviceInfo.maxTextureCubemap(); // maximum 1D layered texture dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxTex1DLayered = deviceInfo.maxTexture1DLayered(); // maximum 2D layered texture dimensions const Vec3i deviceMaxTex2DLayered = deviceInfo.maxTexture2DLayered(); // maximum Cubemap layered texture dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxTexCubemapLayered = deviceInfo.maxTextureCubemapLayered(); // maximum 1D surface size const int deviceMaxSurface1D = deviceInfo.maxSurface1D(); // maximum 2D surface dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxSurface2D = deviceInfo.maxSurface2D(); // maximum 3D surface dimensions const Vec3i deviceMaxSurface3D = deviceInfo.maxSurface3D(); // maximum 1D layered surface dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxSurf1DLayered = deviceInfo.maxSurface1DLayered(); // maximum 2D layered surface dimensions const Vec3i deviceMaxSurf2DLayered = deviceInfo.maxSurface2DLayered(); // maximum Cubemap surface dimensions const int deviceMaxSurfCubemap = deviceInfo.maxSurfaceCubemap(); // maximum Cubemap layered surface dimensions const Vec2i deviceMaxSurfCubemapLayered = deviceInfo.maxSurfaceCubemapLayered(); // alignment requirements for surfaces const size_t deviceSurfAlignment = deviceInfo.surfaceAlignment(); // device can possibly execute multiple kernels concurrently const bool bConKernels = deviceInfo.concurrentKernels(); char* tmp4 = bConKernels? "true" : "false"; // device has ECC support enabled const bool bECCEnabled = deviceInfo.ECCEnabled(); char* tmp5 = bECCEnabled? "true" : "false"; // PCI bus ID of the device const int devicePciBusId = deviceInfo.pciBusID(); // PCI device ID of the device const int devicePciDeviceId = deviceInfo.pciDeviceID(); // PCI domain ID of the device const int devicePciDomainId = deviceInfo.pciDomainID(); // true if device is a Tesla device using TCC driver, false otherwise const bool deviceTccDriver = deviceInfo.tccDriver(); // number of asynchronous engines const int deviceAsyncEngineCount = deviceInfo.asyncEngineCount(); // device shares a unified address space with the host const bool bUnifiedAddressing = deviceInfo.unifiedAddressing(); char* tmp6 = bUnifiedAddressing? "true" : "false"; // peak memory clock frequency in kilohertz const int deviceMemClockRate = deviceInfo.memoryClockRate(); // global memory bus width in bits const int deviceMemBusWidth = deviceInfo.memoryBusWidth(); // size of L2 cache in bytes const int deviceL2CacheSize = deviceInfo.l2CacheSize(); // maximum resident threads per multiprocessor const int deviceMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor = deviceInfo.maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor(); // checks whether the CUDA module can be run on the given device const bool bIsCompatible = deviceInfo.isCompatible(); char* tmp7 = bIsCompatible? "true" : "false"; // print the results cout << "CUDA Enabled Device Count: " << nDeviceCount << endl; cout << "CUDA Deivce Index: " << nCurrentDeviceIndex << endl; cout << "Device Name: " << deviceName << endl; cout << "Device Toal Global Memory: " << deviceTotalGlobMem << endl; cout << "Device Shared Memory Per Block: " << deviceSharedMemPerBlock << endl; cout << "Device Registry Per BlocK: " << nDeviceegsPerBlock << endl; cout << "Device Warp Size: " << nDeviceWarpSize << endl; cout << "Device Memory Pitch: " << deviceMemPitch << endl; cout << "Maximum Threads Per Block: " << nMaxThreadPerBlock << endl; cout << "Maximum Threads Dimension: " << deviceMaxThreadsDim << endl; cout << "Maximum Grid Size: " << deviceMaxGridSize << endl; cout << "Device Clock Rate: " << nDeviceClockRate << endl; cout << "Device Total Constant Memory: " << deviceTotalConstMem << endl; cout << "Device Major Version: " << nDeiveMajorVersion << endl; cout << "Device Minor Version: " << nDeiveMinorVersion << endl; cout << "Device Texture Pitch Alignment: " << devicetexturePitchAlignment << endl; cout << "Device Multi Processor Count: " << nDeviceMultiProcessorCount << endl; cout << "Device Kernel Execution Timeout Enabled?: " << tmp1 << endl; cout << "Device Integrated?: " << tmp2 << endl; cout << "Device Can Map Host Memory?: " << tmp3 << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 1D: " << nMaxTex1D << endl; cout << "Device maximum Texture 1D Mipmap: " << nMaxTexture1DMipmap << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 1D Linear: " << nMaxTexture1DLinear << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 2D: " << deviceMaxTex2D << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 2D Mipmap: " << deviceMaxTex2DMipmap << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 2D Linear: " << deviceMaxTex2DLinear << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texutre 2D Gather: " << deviceMaxTex2DGather << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 3D: " << deviceMaxTex3D << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture Cubemap: " << deviceMaximumTexCubemap << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 1D Layered: " << deviceMaxTex1DLayered << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture 2D Layered: " << deviceMaxTex2DLayered << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Texture Cubemap Layered: " << deviceMaxTexCubemapLayered << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface 1D: " << deviceMaxSurface1D << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface 2D: " << deviceMaxSurface2D << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface 3D: " << deviceMaxSurface3D << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface 1D Layered: " << deviceMaxSurf1DLayered << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface 2D Layered: " << deviceMaxSurf2DLayered << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface Cubemap: " << deviceMaxSurfCubemap << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Surface Cubemap Layered: " << deviceMaxSurfCubemapLayered << endl; cout << "Device Surfce Alignment: " << deviceSurfAlignment << endl; cout << "Concurrent Kernels?: " << tmp4 << endl; cout << "ECC Enabled?: " << tmp5 << endl; cout << "Device PCI Bus ID: " << devicePciBusId << endl; cout << "Device PCI Device ID: " << devicePciDeviceId << endl; cout << "Device PCI Domain ID: " << devicePciDomainId << endl; cout << "Device TCC Driver: " << deviceTccDriver << endl; cout << "Device Async Engine Count: " << deviceAsyncEngineCount << endl; cout << "Device Unified Addressing?: " << tmp6 << endl; cout << "Device Memory Clock Rate: " << deviceMemClockRate << endl; cout << "Device Memory Bus Width: " << deviceMemBusWidth << endl; cout << "Device L2 Cache Size: " << deviceL2CacheSize << endl; cout << "Device Maximum Threads Per Multi Processor: " << deviceMaxThreadsPerMultiProcessor << endl; cout << "Is Compatible?: " << tmp7 << endl; return 0; } | cs |
저의 PC에서 실행한 결과는 다음과 같습니다. 각자의 CUDA를 지원하는 그래픽스 카드 및 실행환경에 따라 다르게 나올 것입니다.
CUDA Enabled Device Count: 1
CUDA Deivce Index: 0
Device Name: GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Device Toal Global Memory: 2147483648
Device Shared Memory Per Block: 49152
Device Registry Per BlocK: 65536
Device Warp Size: 32
Device Memory Pitch: 2147483647
Maximum Threads Per Block: 1024
Maximum Threads Dimension: [1024, 1024, 64]
Maximum Grid Size: [2147483647, 65535, 65535]
Device Clock Rate: 1110500
Device Total Constant Memory: 65536
Device Major Version: 5
Device Minor Version: 0
Device Texture Pitch Alignment: 32
Device Multi Processor Count: 5
Device Kernel Execution Timeout Enabled?: true
Device Integrated?: false
Device Can Map Host Memory?: true
Device Maximum Texture 1D: 65536
Device maximum Texture 1D Mipmap: 16384
Device Maximum Texture 1D Linear: 134217728
Device Maximum Texture 2D: [65536, 65536]
Device Maximum Texture 2D Mipmap: [16384, 16384]
Device Maximum Texture 2D Linear: [65000, 65000, 1048544]
Device Maximum Texutre 2D Gather: [16384, 16384]
Device Maximum Texture 3D: [4096, 4096, 4096]
Device Maximum Texture Cubemap: 16384
Device Maximum Texture 1D Layered: [16384, 2048]
Device Maximum Texture 2D Layered: [16384, 16384, 2048]
Device Maximum Texture Cubemap Layered: [16384, 2046]
Device Maximum Surface 1D: 65536
Device Maximum Surface 2D: [65536, 32768]
Device Maximum Surface 3D: [65536, 32768, 2048]
Device Maximum Surface 1D Layered: [65536, 2048]
Device Maximum Surface 2D Layered: [65536, 32768, 2048]
Device Maximum Surface Cubemap: 32768
Device Maximum Surface Cubemap Layered: [32768, 2046]
Device Surfce Alignment: 512
Concurrent Kernels?: true
ECC Enabled?: false
Device PCI Bus ID: 1
Device PCI Device ID: 0
Device PCI Domain ID: 0
Device TCC Driver: 0
Device Async Engine Count: 1
Device Unified Addressing?: true
Device Memory Clock Rate: 2700000
Device Memory Bus Width: 128
Device L2 Cache Size: 2097152
Device Maximum Threads Per Multi Processor: 2048
Is Compatible?: true
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