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Scientific Computing & Data Science
Loading PNG Sequence 본문
#pragma strict var imageCount : int = 0; var imageNameBase : String = ""; var imageNameZeroPadding : int = 0; var changeInterval : float = 0.06; var isRunning = false; var isLooping = false; private var texture : Texture = null; function PlayRocket () { isRunning = true; } function Start () { var isRunning = false; var fileName : String = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(0,imageNameZeroPadding); texture = Resources.Load(fileName); } function Update () { if( isRunning == true) { PNGAnimation (); } } function PNGAnimation () { var index : int = Time.time/changeInterval; index = index % imageCount; var fileName : String = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(index,imageNameZeroPadding); Resources.UnloadAsset(texture); texture = Resources.Load(fileName); renderer.material.mainTexture = texture; if ( index == imageCount-1){ Debug.Log("End of Animation"); Debug.LogWarning("End of Animation"); if( isLooping == false){ isRunning = false; } fileName = imageNameBase + ZeroPad(0,imageNameZeroPadding); Resources.UnloadAsset(texture); texture = Resources.Load(fileName); renderer.material.mainTexture = texture; } } function ZeroPad(number : int, size : int) { var numberString : String = number.ToString(); while (numberString.Length
// Load all textures into an array
Object[] textures = Resources.LoadAll("Textures", typeof(Texture2D));
// Load a single texture
Texture2D texture = Resources.Load("Texture") as Texture2D;
renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
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